Finish the eighteenth stage
Fourthy ices were droppes into the hole
Undo was performed forthy five times
Bush was destroyer seventy times
Stage was resarted fourthy five times
Finish the seventeenth stage
Finish the sixteenth stage
Undo was performed Fourthy times
Undo was performed thirty five times
Undo was performed thirty times
Stage was restarted fourthy times
Stage was restarted thirty times
Undo was performed twenty times
Undo was performed fifteen times
Tenth stage finished
Thirty five ices were dropped into the hole
Thirty one ices were dropped into the hole
Thirty ices were dropped into the hole
Sixth stage finished
Stage was restarted ten times
Bush was destroyed sixty five times
Bush was destroyed sixty times
Bush was destroyed fifty times
Fifteen ices were dropped into the hole
Bush was destroyed twenty-five times
Undo was performed for the first time
Third stage finished
Stage was restarted for the first time
Tutorial Finished
First ice was droped into the hole
Bush was destroyed for the first time